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  • Protect areas of broken skin, open wounds with watertight dressings
  • Treat all body substances of all people as potentially infectious
  • Clean blood spills immediately and safely
  • Asepsis depends on standard procedures, staff training, personal discipline, attention to detail
  • Trauma situations are chaotic, defenses are down, injuries happen quickly. Precautions are often missed, forgotten, ignored
  • Wear gloves during exposure to blood or body fluids, wash hands afterwards
  • Wash immediately with soap and water in case of skin exposure, whether from a splash, glove puncture or non-gloved contact
  • Wear protective glasses where blood splashes may occur; wash out eyes with water as soon as possible if splashed
  • Wear protective gown or apron if splash potential exists
  • Infection is the most important and preventable cause of impaired wound healing
  • Microorganisms can reach tissues during surgery or manipulation of surgical wound carried and transmitted by:
    • People, including patients
    • Inanimate objects, including instruments, sutures, linen, swabs, solutions, mattresses, blankets
    • Air around wounds, which can be contaminated by dust and droplets of moisture from anyone assisting at surgery or caring for wound
  • Aseptic treatment of a wound: an attempt to prevent bacterial contamination prevent bacterial contamination from these sources, during surgery, initial phase of healing
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