Basic Trauma, Anesthesia and Surgical Skills for Frontline Health Providers
Including management of injuries in women, children, elderly and humanitarian emergencies
Emergency & Essential Surgical Care
Clinical Procedures Unit
Department of Health Systems Policies & Workforce
World Health Organization
Geneva, Switzerland
This course is about managing trauma, from minor injury to humanitarian emergencies, including injuries in women, children and the elderly, with the principal goal of improving quality of care and patient safety.
- Introduction of instructors and participants
- Presentation of WHO Integrated Management for Emergency and Essential Surgical Care (IMEESC) toolkit www.who.int/surgery

This is a compilation of all WHO documents relevant to Emergency and Trauma Care Training Course Resources [www.who.int/surgery]
Integrated Management for
Emergency and Essential
Surgical Care (IMEESC) toolkit
Surgical Care at the District Hospital
Pratique Chirurgicale de Base